Image IntelliGently™ Advocacy Campaign


To ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) is used in a safe, equitable and reliable manner for children.


  1. Pediatric patients will have access to clinically useful medical imaging AI.
  2. Pediatric patients’ health will be substantially improved with the use of AI in medical imaging.

For Alliance Organizations

Why become an ally?

  • Show ongoing commitment to the development, implementation and maintenance of safe, equitable and reliable medical imaging AI for all patients.
  • Opportunity to work with other allies in championing safe AI use.
  • Visibility on Image IntelliGently™ website and other communications.

What you can do as an ally:

Pledge to promote the safe, equitable and reliable use of AI for medical imaging in children:

  • Recognize how AI developed for adults may not be appropriate for children.
  • Advocate for AI to be developed for use in children.
  • Share your commitment to Image IntelliGently™ throughout the medical community.
For questions, please contact us at

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